Sunday, August 16, 2009


Government...Ultimate power? Yup, I believe so. They can do whatever they want, you know why? They are gaining power. Passing Bills, not reading them, taking away the people's power and giving it to the government. They try to take away our secret ballet, our money, our cars, our way of living. Now our capabilities of having kids? Could it be our government of the "greatest nation" would control if you have a kid? Sterilizing people, forcing people to be sterilized? America? Well better believe it is possible. Don't take my word for it, do your own research. Obama had put in Holdren it was either May or December of 2008 into the office of science and technology, an unbiase department. he proposed a new idea in Feburary. "EUGENICS is basically controlling the population by saying people with undesirable traits can't reproduce" If this goes through the house of Conggress, could you imagine government controlling if you have a baby? putting infertility drugs in the water...forcing teen or unmarried women having kids [kids being aborted because of it]. Also, Holdren wants to get put into play a way to control population and the numbers in each race with the concept of Eugenics. Then the thought ran through my mind the more I kept reading...if they control numbers in races, is there racism in the white house? Well I posted a speech that you can google and find out for yourself. I believe that there is. Another thought is a child is not a human until the age of 2. Crazy ideas there. What is America coming too?

Sources you might want to check...
July 17th, 2009 --100th anniversary of NAACP--Obama's speech [look at CNN for full txt]
*shows the racism
Eugenics in White House by: rotenochsen

Saturday, August 1, 2009


How many government programs can an US citizen get their hands on if they are out of work, not much money in the bank, and do not really own any property [as defined by Webster]? From my research by just googling very little, I have got at least a dozen I can apply right now for and be eligible if I am below the line classified as "the needy" group. I could get food, shelter, and even cable based on the fact I would have nothing. The question is: why would people complain we have poverty? By the sound of what I have discovered, why would someone complain about having nothing when they can get everything? My answer: They want more without doing anything. These people will argue and fuss for more than what is out there. They do not want to buy medical insurance, hey lets get the government to nationalize it. Can't get a loan or morage? Hey Government! Hook me up! I don't want to get my lazy butt up and find a job, get me food! shelter! DANG! Understanding that the government was created by our founding fathers to be a small government that stands out of the people's way so that we may progress and presue our dreams without having these obstacles obstructing our way. Truth is that it is human nature to take the easy way out. Why work if someone else can pay, why try when it is handed to you. Society is at a point to just let government say what to do and what is right, to take away our voice, and rule. Government owning everything, they have power! A great quote, "Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely." We the people our giving our government power over us, they can control us more now then ever...what happens when they own over 50% of the economy...even more? Government in the past has never been able to sucessfully control economy, why can it start now? Remember poverty is just a mindset that anyone can overcome.

Shamanism vs. Buddhism

Shamanism: believing in the spirit world, ancestry, and karma

Buddhism: giving up worldly possessions to reach nirvana [type of heaven]

Which is more appealing to an average person? How much does location play on that choice? Pro's & Cons?

My thoughts:
Both religions are appealing in different ways. Neither one of these are my religions but I find them very intriguing. Shamanism being more Japanese kind of religion, in my opinion, like in Mulan [that kid movie on Disney]. Spirits controlling things around you, Karma being more than just a thought, but actually something more real to a person. Buddhism has great perceptions in the thoughts that you give up worldly desires and possessions to get the ultimate "prize." No more grieving. Letting go of what hurts basically, and not getting involved with the things of Earth. Don't take my words exactly for what I said, I am not an expert on either religion, research it for yourself. I have a hard time deciding, I wrote my thoughts on the Pros. Comment with thoughts. I would love to get some different view points on the matter.

~Jennifer Lynn~